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My Child 音樂製作

My Story

"Future Shiba未來柴犬" 是一家專注於創新和高品質音樂製作的公司,致力於為年輕世代提供豐富多元的音樂體驗。主要製作流行音樂、配樂、兒童音樂,還為新興藝術家提供支持與發展平台,推動音樂產業的多樣性與創新。

"Future Shiba未來柴犬" is a company dedicated to innovative and high-quality music production, committed to providing a rich and diverse musical experience for the younger generation. Specializing in pop music, soundtracks, and children's music, the company also supports and develops emerging artists, fostering diversity and innovation in the music industry.

My Child 音樂製作: Bio
My Child 音樂製作: 影片
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